Wednesday, April 15, 2009

These are a few images from a recent session with Baby Rachel~ She is so full of personality and light! It was so sweet to witness her cooing to Mommy :D

Saturday, April 11, 2009

John and I are finally getting around to making our wedding album... on the heels of our 9th anniversary, lol Speaking of anniversary, this year is especially cool in a numerology sense: 9.9.09 is our 9th :D 

One of the main reasons we haven't gotten around to an album yet is that we got married just as the film< digital debate was still underway. We didn't quite trust the quality of digital to record our precious memories. Before we knew it, we were moving to MI, buying a house and having a baby! By the time we caught our breath all the neg scanners we had access to were gone. (As a newspaper photographer, you get cheap/lazy about paying someone for something you can do yourself- on your lunch break or days off- of course!) 

So here we are, 9 years later with a box full of negs. And I am now a wedding photographer. I am determined to make our album this year- please hold my feet to the fire!! XO

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Agency Pix

Jackson's pix are up on the agency's website!! I don't entirely agree with their edit but it is exciting to see him online for sure!! Here are a few not posted here that didn't make the cut: