Saturday, March 28, 2009

I walked to pick Jackson up from school the other day and part way there wished I had my camera... I was walking under this amazing tree and behind it the sun was just starting to break through this layer of sheet-y clouds. It was beautiful and eerie at the same time, but if I ran back for the camera I would have been late. I pressed on hoping it would remain until I could return.
By the time Jackson and I passed back through, the clouds had drifted off, and the sky was a clear blue... We both grabbed our cameras, and did a little spring photo session. It is so cool to see Jax taking an interest in photography, and he is so cute in his photographer's stance(s). What an amazing kid :-)

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

After dinner we hung out in the dinner room and played a quick game of 'What do you see in the pattern'.... I don't often notice it because I am usually in the kitchen cooking at this time, but with the time change it was cool to see this again...

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Welcome to my new blog! It has been long overdue as well as the launch of my own photography website- stay tuned :-)) Well, I'm new to this- not really sure where to begin...

I guess I'll launch with my most recent photo shoot= my beautiful son Jackson! He has been expressing  interest in acting/modeling/voice-overs for quite some time, but we wanted to make sure it was really his decision and not just a desire to please. (As the son of TWO photographers, he has been the subject of thousands of photos!!) At any rate, looks like he's being reped by an agency! Enjoy!